Haru Invest Interest Rates

Bitcoin APY
Bitcoin APY
Ethereum APY
Ethereum APY
Litecoin APY
Litecoin APY
Doge APY
Doge APY
Stablecoin APY
Stablecoin APY
Last Verified April 2024

It's common knowledge that putting money into cryptocurrency has the potential to yield high returns. Holding crypto pays off in the long run if you avoid the noise and extreme crypto market movements that produce drastic portfolio swings. Keep it in a wallet that earns interest, as the one Haru sells. Giving you a 25% annual percentage yield on your Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Tether is not a bad deal, is it? All crypto traders welcome this news. Let's explore how you can benefit from Haru's investment. haru invest rates

About Haru Invest

The digital asset platform Haru Invest, or simply Haru, was launched on September 1, 2019, with its headquarters in southeast Asia. Block Crafters initiated the introduction of the platform. An automated crypto investment feature and a high savings rate are just two of the many perks offered by this platform for crypto investors. Because of the huge profits and the accessibility of the site, it has grown rapidly since it first opened. Over a billion dollars worth of transactions has been locked on the platform so far. Haru Invest provides automated investments with significant returns, and it has also introduced a service called Switch, which allows users to trade between different cryptocurrencies and earn additional incentives by adding to the Switch pool's liquidity. Its website already supports this functionality, which encompasses the market and limits order swap.

Current Haru Invest Interest Rates

There are several investment options available with Haru Invest for Bitcoin. Haru Invest rates vary across these investment options. Also, do Haru Interest rates, and Haru Earn rates.

Haru Earn rates

Users can make money from cryptocurrency holdings using the Haru Earn feature. The funds are invested via low-risk trading strategies provided by the site. haru earn Investors with Haru Invest benefit from higher APYs than those available elsewhere, thanks to the firm's innovative trading tactics. Spread trading, which concentrates on the volatility of BTC and ETH futures contracts, and a market-neutral approach, which centers on the price-stability mechanism at futures exchanges, are all examples of these methods. You can choose Haru Earn Plus, and Haru Earn Explore on this platform. When using the Plus feature, investors can earn fixed returns for periods ranging from 15 days up to a full year, depending on how long they lock up their cryptocurrency holdings. The Explore plan, on the other hand, offers the highest interest rates and is the more advantageous choice. With Earn Explore, you may choose from three distinct techniques, each with a unique target rate for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and US Dollar Tether. For each strategy, the minimum lockup duration is one month for USDT, three months for BTC, and six months for ETH.

Haru Loan rates

This is likely one of the primary motivating factors behind Haru Invest's meteoric rise in prominence. What's the use in letting your crypto assets gather virtual dust until the market tells you to sell? With Haru invest, you may generate money off your crypto holdings even if the market is down. You can keep it in storage for as long as possible and increase your earnings. Take out your money whenever you choose. Income potential up to 14.5%. Haru rates have proven to be better among its competitors like Midas Investments earn rates when you compare loans like Tron loan rates.  

How to use Haru Invest interest accounts

To start making money, you must sign up for a Haru Invest account. As part of this process, you will be asked to provide your email address and password. You may also insert a referral code here. When using Haru Invest, you will be required to complete some form of Know-Your-Customer (KYC) procedures. To comply with KYC/AML laws, you must provide personal information, which should take less than 10 minutes.

How to create a savings account at Haru Invest

If you've finally decided to begin investing, Haru Invest lays down the basic procedures you'll need to follow. 1. Join by registering your profile. When registering, you can also put in your Haru invest promo code. 2. After, transfer money into your wallet using BTC, USDT, or ETH. 3. Give your go-ahead and complete the transaction. 4. Sign up for the plan that best suits your needs. 5. Begin to earn  

When does Haru Invest pay interest?

Interest is paid daily on investment in all of its investment packages apart from Haru Earn Explore. Rewards, however, are not distributed daily like the others but within three to five business days of the product's maturity date.


There are several crypto investment platforms, and Haru has proven one of the best crypto loan sites. They have gathered a reputation that gives their users calm. Their interest rate, too, is impressive and more preferred by most crypto users. There is so much you can do with your crypto, and Haru will help you explore all possibilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Haru Invest Legit or Scam?

There is currently no method to verify whether or not Haru Invest is a fraud. However, history demonstrates that these businesses have inherent risks that could wipe out your capital. There are no known enforcement mechanisms overseeing Haru Invest, and the company has offered no guarantees or protection against losses. Nonetheless, Haru Invest has teamed up with BitGo, a digital asset trust and security firm, which may prove the company's sincerity.

Where is Haru Invest located?

It's important to note that Haru Invest is a sub-brand of Block Crafters, a Singapore-based parent firm. Block Crafters is a conglomerate of blockchain-related companies. One of these, Block Crafters Capital, is a cryptocurrency investment fund that provides traders with access to smart algorithms and other advanced trading solutions.

Is there a Haru Invest calculator?

The daily compounding interest rate can be determined by using this calculator.