Midas Investments Interest Rates

Bitcoin APY
Bitcoin APY
Ethereum APY
Ethereum APY
Litecoin APY
Litecoin APY
Doge APY
Doge APY
Stablecoin APY
Stablecoin APY
Last Verified April 2024


Midas investments interest rates help you to create passive income flow by offering impressive rates. For each digital asset supported on the platform, an interest rate is allocated to it that translates to yields at the end of a specific time. The MIDAS token has the highest yield rate among assets on the Midas platform. midas investments

About Midas Investments

Midas Investments, a custodial crypto-investment platform founded in the year 2018 by Iakov Levin, who is also known as ‘Trevor’, and Parker, is driven with the aim of improving the financial security of its investors by enabling a profitable passive income stream. They are proficient at producing high yield returns on investments using DeFi platforms and staking on crypto digital assets. They have recently launched unique CeDeFi strategies that combine the simplicity of CeFi with the transparency of DeFi and provide up to 45% ROI.

Midas Investments Interest Accounts

By holding the reputation for the highest yield in the crypto staking space, on every digital asset available on their platform, a correlation is reflected in their interests. By expertly discerning and monitoring volatility curves, they have managed to stay ahead of trading in the DeFi market. Interest is paid to every active account on a daily basis and differs according to the crypto asset invested in the trade. 

Midas Investments Crypto Interest Rates

Each digital asset on Midas Investment has different interest rates, according to its value in the market at that time, and is extensively accumulated at different rates also. A list of different cryptocurrencies and their Annual Percentage Rate (APR) in percentage is given below: midas crypto rates
  • Bitcoin (BTC): This crypto asset yields a 6.6% APR.
  • Ethereum (ETH): This crypto asset yields a 7.8% APR.
  • Binance USD(BUSD): This crypto asset yields a 12.2% APR.
  • USD Coin (USDC): This crypto asset yields a 12.2% APR.
  • Fantom (FTM): This crypto asset yields a 7.7% APR.
  • Dai (DAI): This crypto asset yields a 12.2% APR.
  • Tether (USDT): This crypto asset yields a 12.2% APR.
  • Avalanche (AVAX): This crypto asset yields a 9.3% APR.
  • Chainlink (LINK): This crypto asset yields an 3.2% APR.
  • Binance Coin (BNB): This crypto asset yields a 6.4% APR.
  • Convex (CVX): This crypto asset yields a 14% APR.

Midas Investments Crypto Earn Rates

The quote by Albert Einstein “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn’t, pays it”, depicts an accurate picture of how introducing a compounded interest rate can greatly influence the returns expected on an investment. Midas Investments rates are not so different. It compounds the interest for each interest rate and the yield turns out more than the normal interest rates offer. By capitalizing on the compound interest, you receive an increase on every investment return. 

Midas Investments Earn Rates are given below:

  • Bitcoin (BTC): This crypto asset generates up to 9.4% APY.
  • Ethereum (ETH): This crypto asset generates up to 10.6% APY.
  • Binance USD(BUSD): This crypto asset generates up to 17.2% APY.
  • Binance Coin (BNB): This crypto asset generates up to 8.7% APY.
  • Midas (MIDAS): This crypto asset generates up to 22.2% APY.
  • USD Coin (USDC): This crypto asset generates up to 14.5% APY.
  • Fantom (FTM): This crypto asset generates up to 10.5% APY.
  • Dai (DAI): This crypto asset generates up to 17.2% APY.
  • Tether (USDT): This crypto asset generates up to 17.2% APY.
  • Chainlink (LINK): This crypto asset generates up to 4.2% APY
  • Avalanche (AVAX): This crypto asset generates up to 12.8% APY.
  • Convex (CVX): This crypto asset generates up to 20.0% APY.
TRX earnings is not possible yet as Tron is not supported

Interest Rates

Investors and borrowers are generally interested in the interest rates of any financial establishment, as this can help them project their expected returns or refunds respectively. Midas investments interest rates are subjective to supported digital assets. The MIDAS token’s investment rate has surpassed the Haru Invest rates and Coinloan interest rates, to the point that investors have become skeptical of investing in it. 

Midas Investments Interest Calculator

This is the tool that derives the interest rates for each digital asset on Midas Investments. Inside the interest calculator, a set of tags have been used to denote what to input at each point. After completing its requisition process, it provides the rate for that asset with utmost accuracy. A similar model is used in BlockFi Interest Calculator.

How To Create Midas Investments Savings Account

You can sign up to Midas Investments easily through Gmail or Discord, it is a straightforward method. It uses elements of 2FA verification and automatic sign-out to secure accounts.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Midas Investments?

Midas Investments is a cryptocurrency investment platform that is custodial-ly operated with the mission to create passive income avenues for cryptocurrency investors. They help their investors reach financial freedom by taking advantage of the DeFi Market and the cryptocurrency economy.

How Do I Start Investing?

Investing is possible when you follow these three steps. - Open an account with Midas Investments through either Gmail or Discord. - Check through the supported assets, select the asset you are interested in and click the “Invest” button. - After clicking “Invest”, a share card with the options “Deposit”, “Swap”, or “Delete” will pop up. To be sure that you are depositing using the right blockchain, please be attentive to all notes when depositing.

What is the MIDAS token, and what are its values?

MIDAS token was designed to bring utility to all who possess it by generating additional yield and surpassing traditional digital assets. It is powered by the Ethereum blockchain network.